Sunday, December 02, 2007

Funny Nose People*

Most teenagers and children eagerly await the day that they will smile infront of a digital camera at the DMV (without a hat or dark glasses) and get their inevitably shitty picture taken. But as is often the case, my life has taken an unusual and somewhat dysfunctional twist. Yes ladies and gentleman, as of thanksgiving break, I now own a Non-Drivers Identification Card. (AKA an easy way to spot a loser.)

Now, we have before us a very bittersweet situation if there ever was one. On one hand, I got this card because I turned 18 (and thus, legally became a person) and need to prove this regularly without lugging around my passport, or using my year old highschool student ID. Yay adulthood! On the other hand, it only continues to rub in the fact that after 2 years of practice and procrastination (namely the latter) I STILL CAN'T FUCKING DRIVE! Seriously, if I need to ask my parents for a ride somewhere one more time I might just die of shame. And here's another thing: it looks exactly like a driver's license, so much to the point where I actually temporarily forgot I didn't have one and got exceptionally giddy, only to be reminded I'm just not that cool yet.

If this event was any indication, When I actually get my license I swear to God I will sleep with it on my pillow and cuddle it all night long for at least several days. (By the way, that date has now been pushed up to January)

As for other things going on in my life? Not much to a sad degree. The lack of recent posts is due to my laptop having been swiped clean because it got a virus and my inability to get it back on the network, in addition to a horrendous workload that overnight when from unbeleivably easy to kicking me in the ass. (perhaps this is because I don't go to class, but that's just a guess) In short- I cannot wait for this semester to end. And just when I thought things were already bad: My lover raped me. legitimatley. It was horrible. I would post a picture of it but my webcam is on my laptop know. (not to mention it's a little graphic)

Screw my lover, I need winter break, NOW! And here's another thought on that: The other day I realized that the majority of my favorite Christmas Songs ("and so this is christmas?", "do they know it's christmas time at all?") are sad ones. How does that reflect on my character? I dunno, the other ones I really like either don't really have audible words ("Silver Bells" preferably the electric guitar version) or are cutesy ("All I Want for Christmas Is You"), the latter of which mainly just makes me feel depressed because I don't really want anyone at the moment that much (with one possible exception, but he's Jewish so I guess I don't have to worry about the season.) Also on that parenthetical note- my room has now turned into Hannukah (sp? like anyone can...) land. Thank you my deeply jewish roomate. (Mmmm....latkas)

* what my mom calls what most would refer to as "snowmen" eg- I love those funny nose people!


gbz said...

By lover do you mean chemistry? Cuz "rape" references could use some context.

Speaking of winter break, when's your last exam? Mine's the 20th but I think it's computer science (easy street) so I might be able to squeeze a celebration in another night.

Juicy said...

Dude, who/what else would I ever possibly refer to as "lover?" (esp in the context of the blog)

I dunno when my last exam is, but it will probably be either the 20th or 21st. I still say we wait till they're all over to kill off brain cells. (and for me to bum a ride back to the home state)

btw since when are you not pet peeved with making plans via blogger comments?

gbz said...

It only peeves me on my blog.

Anonymous said...

I am the roommate. I am deeply Jewish.

dr_koopon said...

I had a great conversation with a friend of mine today who said "christmas is the best day of the year," to which we replied, "dude, you're jewish!"

Turns out christmas to him is chinese food and a movie. Not gonna lie, it sounds pretty fun XD

Juicy said...

yeah I read an article once about a mother and daughter who wanted to be different so their christmas dinner was also chinese takeout. thank god for those hardworking asian immigrants who will stay open at any cost....