Wednesday, March 12, 2008

The Week in Quotes- How Else to Kill Time Before April 15th?*

Juicy: *uses mortar and pestle at science fair*
5th grader: Don't they use those to make drinks?
Juicy: No, not really. Not that many people know that they're standard in a bar, and you only really use them for Mohitos.

Juicy: So, do you think the pop rocks made his stomach explode?
5th grader: Ha, no. He probably just wanted to sue the company.

Indeed, the future of our nation is in good hands. Oh, and how could I forget:

"Just as many women [cheat on their spouses] as men, but they don't get caught, notes Moore. "Women are much better liars and they have a plan. They're much craftier." -AOL

Haha, So true. How else do you think we've learned to put up with the patriarchy for all these years. Oh and then of course there was:

Juicy: wOAH!!! *turns around* Oh hey what's up! Sorry, it's been awhile since someone pinched my ass.
Girl in French Class: Really? that sucks.
Juicy: Yeah, I know...
Girl: And that's pretty surprising too...
Juicy: Oh, why thank you.

"Resource Center for Gender and Sexuality- Weekdays: 8am-Midnight"

...Why? Did I mention there's a paper plate on the door that's shaped like a rooster? (*coughcough*Cock*coughcough*)


Juicy: "Hey, if you do this summer program you could stay at my place for like a month."
Friend: "OK."
(And thus Juicy's summer plans were about 2 hours)

Blogger has parties? We are so going...

*It ain't no Etch-A-Sketch. That's one doodle that can't be undid, homeskillet!


dr_koopon said...

y'know, it's been awhile (ie forever) since someone pinched my ass... though that's not exactly surprising...

Juicy said...

aren't you the one with the girlfriend?

geez caitlin, fulfill your duties...

gbz said...

I love the word "homeskillet". It's hard to write a bad post if it ends with "homeskillet".


Juicy said...

Yeah, sounds like warm, tasty home cooking...preferably latkes come to think of it, but thats probabaly just me....

you do know the fantastic film to which I am referring?