Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Public Service Announcement

Life is full of many questions. Questions like "how best can I spend the next three months of free time" (YES!) and "When the hell am I going to run out of this shampoo already?" But here's one maybe the readership can help me out with: Why do men under the age of 27 even consider growing facial hair? A male friend of mine once said that men grow out their facial hair because they're lonely. Do they realize that this will only perpetuate the saddening cycle of lack of both women and the use of a razor? Of all my girlfriends (and there are many) I think only one has ever expressed any sortof positive feelings around facial hair on guys our age whatsoever. Most of them just think "Yuck!" Please, young men of the world, consider that an indicator. Maybe it does make you feel older or more manly or whatnot, but why don't you spend the time you'd usually spend growing out your hair doing something even more manly? I dunno, maybe like lifting weights, macking hoes...shaving? Just some suggestions, you get the drift. Hell, even writing emotional poetry beats a beard.

PS: No hatin' koops. I know you're already a lost cause and I'm not even going to bother. I hope you thoroughly enjoy resembling a pedophile. Seriously though, doesn't that thing get hot in the summer?


dr_koopon said...

For the record, I've gotten roughly fifty-fifty reviews on the beard. Granted, it's been called the "animal" on my face and the already cited pedophile look, but multiple people have remarked on its attractiveness.

So ha.

Juicy said...

...were they the young prepubescent girls you were hoping to lure with the look?

gbz said...

How would we reinvest the time we spend growing out beards? It doesn't take any effort or time; it's a pretty passive process. Maybe we should take the time we'd spend shaving and use that to lift weights.

Juicy said...

True, but since beard growing is indeed a passive process that happenns 24/7 (unlike shaving) my idea would result in buffer men,(or better poets) so humanity would actually be better off