Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Take That, Bitchy English Teacher

My old highschool advisor was interviewing an alum's kid for admission the other day. The alum remarked that the school nolonger had Sunday Chapel, and before my advisor chimed in to tell the story, he said...

"Yeah, I heard some kid wrote an essay and pursuaded the headmaster"

I am an urban legend. My life = complete.


dr_koopon said...

it's also now a great story to scare the frosh with XD

Juicy said...

scare? ooh...how?!

dr_koopon said...

me: back in my day, we had chapel on sundays

frosh: really? ewww

me: yeah, early sunday mornings we had to get into chapel dress

frosh: what the hell is chapel dress??

me: its like classroom, but way way worse

frosh: *shudder*

Juicy said...

lolz...and the funnist bit is that even now wee lil' Koops can legitimitley say "back in my day..."

plus the fact that you didnt even have to go...