Thursday, October 02, 2008

It Could Be Worse, You Could live in NJ...

So here it is...the long awaited and much needed make-over. (Because this blog truly was 'just about as yellow as it gets'). Thank the people at blogger for finally developing a template tool for those of us who lack both the skill and patience to perfect their hex codes. Enjoy.

It's Happenning....December 2008.


dr_koopon said...

Ok, but seriously, I can ACTUALLY SEE reflection errors on the right side of the sign.

If you're going to lie, learn to use photoshop better first.


Juicy said...

You know, they gave Columbus the same kind of shit about a round earth. You know where he ended up? TOTALLY ASS-KICKINGLY CORRECT! (and rich)

The day WILL come...