Monday, February 02, 2009

Why Yes, This Is Totally Blogworthy

Ever since I found myself in the presence of streetlamps on a daily basis, I discovered that I actually have a strange sort of influence over them. I am dead serious. Often, when I walk by an illuminated street lamp, it goes out just as I pass under it. This hasn't only happenned to me a few times, but with a freakish regularity on an atleast biweekly basis for the past five years. Once even, the same light turned off for me 3 times, on seperate occassions, on the same night. The very next night, another one also decided to spurn me.

I had recently started to intepret this as proof that I am, infact, some incarnation of the Devil. This is an entirely legitimate claim, seeing as whenever I reflect on the impressions I've made on other people's lives, it probably involves looser morales and a heightened affinity for substance abuse. I'm proud to say I've really inspired some of the most conservative people...But perhaps this is not the case?

Today, for the first time EVER, as I walked under a streetlamp at night, it turned on. I was shocked, then elated. What could this mean? Was this just a fluke, or had I been reassigned a more uplifting, less evil cosmic destiny afterall? Perhaps it was a sign of optimism during these stressful times? I was unsure. But then the unthinkable happenned. The next time I passed under that light that evening, I looked up to see it was in a very dim state, and half willed half dared it to turn on. To my shock- it did. This was clearly a sign. Compounded with my more recent aptitude for finding pennies (I generally get about one or two a week), perhaps things are looking up after all?


OSK said...

Between the Nexus of Fate fantasy and now this Devil Reincarnate theory, it's clear that you have some deep-seated need to fit in somewhere on a cosmic level. The frightening part is that you don't seem to care which side you end up on...

Juicy said...

Dude, what 'fantasy?' Nexus was (is?) totally legit. It's not like I look for these things, they just happenned.

The possibility that I am an incarnate form of the Devil did bug me at first, but I figure if it's true then I'll just have to accept it eventually, or at least until it changes (if that's the case.)

Unless you can think of another reason to explain the streetlamp phenomena?