Monday, February 12, 2007

You Knew It Was Coming...

Well I don't feel like doing my CompGov reading just yet, (if I ever do) so I'm going to take a second to rant about the upcoming "holiday" AKA a catholic saint's feast blown entirely out of proportion because we are a society of dreamy-eyed pussies who gobble up romantic comedies like no other (myself not entirely excluded- still haven't decided which one I'll be bawling my eyes out to come wednesday).

Honestly, I can never decide whether I like Valentine's day or not. On one hand, I get to wear my favorite colors (even if i look like a total tool because I dont actually have a valentine) and eat a lot of chocolate and feel loved by all my friends that send me valentines. (key word in that sentance being 'friends') On the other hand, it disturbs me how Hallmark has taken the most complex and f-ing fickle human emotion (cuz thats really all romantic love is and all that Valentine's day intends to celebrate), something that people have spent thousands of years living and trying to figure out, something that people have even died for, and reduced it to a tacky red heart with a doilie behind it. Seriously. And as if human relationships were that simple. It makes sense to celebrate romantic love and all, but do we have to be so goddam tacky about it? When I think of Valentines day I think of cheap serrated to/from cards (the kind they gave out in grade school and that I only got because you had to be nice and give them to everyone) and tacky one-liners like "will you be my valentine?" Yuck. who wants to be a valentine? It's phrases like that that almost make me glad i'm alone. And even if someone were to ask me out, i'd almost be embarassed to say he did it on Valentine's day just because it's so cliche and superficial sounding.

Let's also not forget that Valentine's day inevitibly makes at LEAST fifty percent of the population miserable. If you are alone, it gets rubbed in even further. If you are alone but someone asks you out, the relationship is in all liklihood doomed because the guy/girl had to wait for some stupid holiday to do anything about it, not to mention probably reduced themself to generic gift giving in lieu of anything really meaningful or thoughtful. (flowers and chocolate: sweet motion, yes, sometimes tasty, but that's pretty much it.) Now let's look at the people who are actually in relationships: half of them will relish the opportunity to show how much they love each other, while the other half will feel awkward because they have no idea what to do, or because one person got really into it and the other didn't. (so now at least 12.5 percent of the population feel like horrible people, and the other 12.5 percent feel like fools. Awesome!)

Now that I've vented my excessive bitterness, I can go on to appreciate what little joy I get from the holiday, i.e. free candy, nice colors, and presents from my friends. (cuz I really do appreciate those, seeing as i'm careful to never actually expect anything to begin with, for those of you that missed my lovely "emo blog" which i would actually link you to but that takes way too much effort) Plus there's always the joy of living vicariously through others and hearing about all the cute shit that happenned to them. As for me, I took a bite of my first piece of Valentine's Day chocolate the other day and I cut my gum...I think we can take that as an omen...


gbz said...

...(pauses and waits for the sound of his romantic fantasies collpasing around him fade)...


But seriously, your so right about the "National Rub-it-in Day" thing and how Valentine's day manages to be the most depressing day of the year for a lot of people. It is nice, however, to have a day when you can do tacky, over the top shit without it being like "Wtf?"

Juicy said...

yeah i can appreciate the need for tacky over the top shit, even if it is, well, tacky and over the top...

i guess the rubbing in isn't so bad when you at leat have friends, we won't know till tomorrow i guess

Gavrich said...

Here's a theoretical bit of irony.

I'll bet that because of this lowered resistance for acting on amorous emotions, a much smaller percentage of hook-ups that begin on Valentine's Day don't pan out, as opposed to those that begin on other days.

In essence, the holiday that seeks to celebrate love just ends up bastardizing it.


Gavrich said...
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