Thursday, May 17, 2007

The End of Emo (Serious!) and Some Words on Change...

Well I don't feel like finishing my last paper of the year (finally!!!) so instead I am going to update my blog, because it's been awhile since I wrote something that wasn't obnoxiously emo, and I feel the old Addiction could use a little revamp...maybe that will come later as a birthday present or something, but here's a start. Oh, and I'm bringing back candy necklaces...

Speaking of changes, I graduate in ten days. Yes, ten, exactly. The countdown is getting close...I think it just hit me yesterday, when I saw what I will now refer to as 'My Tent' (for those of you who arent in the prep school loop, every year they set up a large white tent on a certain lawn to host the spring formal dance and graduation) or maybe it just hit me today, when i was looking at my free blocks in my agenda trying to waste away class time and then realized that this was my last day of thursday classes. Ever. I would never have my classes in this order ever again. After these last few days: no more block schedules, no more orderly, organized days, no more lunches in Watts with friends, no more the exact same group of friends, no more coats and ties, no more bells, no more dress code, no more cramming in the library, no more wasting time in the computer lab.

And just when I thought I was itching to graduate and get the hell out of this horrible year, I gotta hand it to ya, I'm gonna miss it...

But until then, I can still look forward to the parties and having what will probably be the most kick ass summer ever, not to mention college : ) (even though I also realized today how much of a huge change that is going to be, and it sortof scared the shit out of me...)

More on changes: When I first came here as a not-so-wee sophomore, I remember thinking of the seniors as these big, old, untouchable people. (then again when I first got here almost everyone was untouchable, and sortof all blended to form a large social wall that I would sit in front of and observe with amusement, occassionally attempt to climb, but never get dissapointed too much with if I failed) Then again, I always thought I would feel so much older as a senior in highschool, or at least look a little taller or more savvy/mature/bad ass. (I blame my lack of car keys...I seriously think that does the trick) I remember when i was 13 or 14, 17 seemed so far away, so close to 20 it was like the last threshold of my young life, but now that I'm here I still feel like I have a little ways more to go (phew!) 18's in 6 months, that should be fun. I guess another thing to add into this section would be how much everything's so ridiculously changed since sophomore year- myself, my views, my friends, my life- It seems like such a long journey that I never thought would end. I always knew it would, I just could never really picture it...Shit man, I'm going to college.

I'll break with the cliches to give you a little anecdote: Once I was chilling with my blog buddies in the comp lab, and I said "But just think, for the rest of our lives, when we look back on highschool, this is gonna be it!" And it's true to, no redos, and it can help determine who you are and how you act for the rest of your life...(or can it? I dunno yet but that's what I've heard) Then JV of course made a joke while trying look cool and to do a snapsnap: 'yeah! just this! right here! right now!" while gavrich typed something on his laptop and I continued to procrastinate my comp gov paper. Haha, too true.

We've got ten days guys, for christsakes, make it something you're proud of. Penis candy anyone?


Gavrich said...

A very nice non-emo (!) effort. However, I'm puzzled by the phrase "penis candy."

And 'b-t-w,' finish the dang paper already! It feels so good to have no work hanging over your head!

gbz said...

I'm with timmy...whats penis candy?