Saturday, June 14, 2008

I Don't Remember It Looking Quite So Awkward...

The other day, I attended what is possibly one of the most emo events ever. A middle school (emo) graduation (emo), followed by a dance (uber emo) for all the kiddies.

The class had about 30 kids in it, and it was funny because it seemed to be split up into two types of kids. Some looked like they could still be in elementary school, while the other half were probably taller than me and looked more like graduating seniors instead. (I swear, one of 'em could have passed for 21). The Catholic mass turned graduatuion ceremony dragged on a bit, but there were a few highlights:

  • The black woman infront of us yelping "Woohoo! Halleluja praise the Lord!" and almost bursting into tears every time her overachieving son was honored.

  • trying to guess, in this miniscule and tightnit class of 30, which one of the girls my cousin might have a crush on

  • When they called out for the Honor roll students to stand up, and about five kids (including my youngin' cousin) stood up. My family was all proud and clapped, and I was too. But then they sat down, and the MC called out for all the kids graduating with High Honors to stand up, and there were a little under 10 of them. Hahah...ouch.

But like I said, this was a truly emo event. While we ate dinner in a church basement (If you haven't noticed yet, it was a catholic school) while being bombarded by slow, mediocre, gushy rock music (emo), my entire family kept commenting on "The Girl In the White Dress" that my (no longer so) lil' cousin was hanging out with. Granted even for a girl in middle school she was notably attractive: one of those tall, sociable, inherenlty radiant types. (Bitch?) but my aunt waived them off as "just friends". Regardless, (and trying to be the cool, understanding, older cousin that I am) I just respectfully looked away and drummed my fingernails while everyone else was half staring at them. God knows the last thing any one wants is to get your whole family involved in that kind of situation. Plus, it must be said that my cousin was on the shorter side of the class. My dad actually asked him about it (second hand embarassment, much?) and I think he said he liked someone else. Who knows. All I know is that once we left, and after that first dance of many started, then ended, it was either

a.) the best night of his life

b.) fun but mildly dissapointing; or,

c.) a huge bummer

Godspeed, youngin', godspeed. Oh, and welcome to Highschool. (so enjoy multiple choice while you still can)

I would usually spend some time reflecting on my own middle school experience [see title] or getting around the fact that "Little Joe"is actually old enough to think well for himself, mack on mini-hoes, and use the F word, but this cool older cousin just got wheels for the day. Peace!

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